Goodness! There seems to be someone interested in what I've been up nice!!
Well, for one thing, I went to Family Court as a witness for What it was, was that a good friend of mine, Jeff, had been accused of all sorts of unsavoury acts by his estranged wife. Things looked bad for her, seeing as Jeff had 5 winesses to back him up; and she had, er - Zero! Anyway, it was a landslide victory, which Jeff & his Mum celebrated with a glass of Red; I celebrated with a bottle Jeff bought me - Monty Python's Holy Ale!
It was a LONG day....we got to Court before 10am...I said to the Lawyer, "So, we'll still be here at 4pm?" He quipped, "No, no. You should be in & out by 2, at the latest." Well, 6 hours later, we were still waiting...! We had lunch at The Bard, an English (style) pub. They had Old Speckled Hen ON TAP! I was about to order some, but Jeff admonished me, "No beer before court! AFTER court!" I reluctantly agreed....
This was all in Christchurch, one of our biggest cities; about 160km north of here.
TODAY: Kindergarten Disco with Bubbles
This afternoon, I took all three of my kids to the Kindy Disco, it was complete with police lights - supplied by a policeman I know! I spent over 30mins on the BBQ, cooking sausages & onions.
Later, I danced with my daughter, and played selected songs on the stereo ~ Barbie Girl; Kiss Me; Hippy Hippy Shake; Girls Just Wanna Have Fun; etc.
There'll be more blogging can encourage me to blog, by writing comments....I'm close to achieving my goal ~ the Next Level on TV Trivia, so I may be doing more blogging anyway :)