Friday, March 30, 2007

Mexican Standoff!

Our Slinkipuss, and the kitten who has "adopted" us, often have a wee Mexican Standoff or three, each day - they are still learning to get along!

Oh, I'd forgotten to tell you the other day - my new TARDIS Talking Money-box arrived on Monday; it's the "new, improved" version, it now takes AAA's, and should be less likely to, er, stop talking! The new one has voice clips from David Tennant.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Past Few Days.....

Not a great deal of note has happened since Sunday.........oh, a Tortoiseshell kitten has "adopted" us; I wasn't that keen at first, but she's beginning to win me over!

Monday - my Dr.Who Easter Eggs arrived from England; I haven't opened the parcel yet - waiting 'til Easter Sunday!

Tuesday - went to Playgroup with Twins.....they touched my heart, by asking where I was last week...they went to a gift shop/cafe out in the country; I thought they were going to an indoor playground! We've been going there for 6 years.

Wednesday - Jamie's year had a "celebration" of song and dance to mark the end of the First Term. We all went to watch & applaud!

Sunday Evening

Our new-ish friends, the Aldridge family, came 'round for Tea on Sunday evening.....for the mother & kids, I cooked Nachos, with refried beans & mince....however, the dad prefers bland food; so for him I cooked up spag on toast, with a fried egg on top......they enjoyed our hospitality, and were impressed by my Collection....though their son was embarrassed by our Zoe stripping down to her birthday suit!!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Yet Another Pleasant Vally Sunday....!

Well, today I took all 3 of ours to Church, without their Mum for a change, while she rested her poor sprained ankle...I was the Soundman again, today @ some feedback re: the microphones - for some unknown reason, people have started putting mics on the Piano, AND the Organ, now...they never struck me as needing amplification... the pianist gave us an earful after church; saying how there was loads of audio feedback....oh, well; we live & learn....

Took Jamie round to the Miroschnichenkos; he, Liam & Jack had a great time. The Twins & I stayed for lunch. I popped home for a minute, before heading off to yet another Audition. I'm getting a bit cynical about auditions...but I'll keep on trying!!

Friends coming round for Tea tonight; I'll feed 'em Nachos. Hope they like it!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Funny Friday.....

Today, I went for a Swim before breakfast....then, got home just in time, to take Jamie to school...M. was Parent Help at Playcentre, so she took the Twins along...I popped in to Playcentre, to bring some Milk to the ladies, 4 their Morning Tea; then went to a Hardware Store in Town, to buy wheels for the Dalek home just in time, to hear M. leave a message - she'd sprained her ankle!! Drove over - a pretty woman there quipped, "Here's your Knight in Shining Armour!" :) We left M's car there; I walked back later & picked it up. After M. had been to the Doctor (& I'd picked Jamie up from School), we all popped into the Purple Lizard, so M. could experience the cool atmos there...the kids love it there! When we got home, I made Jumbo Tacos for Tea, and began to get a bit exhausted....long day!! I'm glad I had a swim first; it helped get me through it! I sure hope M. feels better soon.....

Thursday, March 22, 2007

A New Day

Lovely fine weather today.....paid a visit to Andy this morning; his missus & two of their girls are off to Aussie today, so things will be a bit quieter round their way!

This afternoon, I took all 3 of my kids to the Lime Lite Cafe... the children loved the outdoor playground.....typical, I'd just got my latte, about to get stuck into it...and this little voice yells in my shell-like, "DAD! Gotta go to toilet!!" ::) I couldn't help but mutter, "You're timing's impeccable....." Kids - ya gotta love 'em!

Had a nice wee chat with my brother, Evan, this evening; he called me from his car while driving in traffic in Auckland, around 900 miles from here! :) If you're reading this, Ev....nice to talk to you! That was good advice; yeah, I'll keep on trying 'til I'm back on the stage! ;)

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Saturday Morning

Well, today's weather is bright, warm & fine; and it looks like being a beautiful day. I got several parcels today....including the Mini Indicators for my Dalek! HURRAY!.........I also got a letter to say I didn't get in to Chicago, which was very disappointing, but I'll get over it. There'll be other auditions.

In today's morning paper, there is a feature on a new NZ movie, Black Sheep, about murderous mutant mutton! I look forward to seeing it!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Friday Evening...

OK, I admit it......I'm so wound-up about my Audition, that I'm finding it hard to blog....

Still, looking on the bright side; I took the Twins to a new (for us) cafe...the Lime's actually within walking distance!! (Most cafe's, we have to drive into town for). We had to cross State Highway 1 to get to it, but we were OK, all 3 of us holding hands...the Cappucino was nice... and the kids LOVED the Cafe Playground! We'll probably go there again, in a week or two.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Well, Sunday Afternoon rolled round, and it was time for The Audition!!! I found out a few things, that I hadn't, the guys only needed to sing a song for the character they were going up for (not 2 songs, as I'd thought, and had been practicing); I didn't know guys auditioning for Amos had to do, I didn't know it was essential for guys to dance at this Audition!!!!! I did get one thing right, though: I sang the right song; and I did it well! So, now it's all up to Miss Director........

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Friday Night

...I was just thinking around 4pm, "Ohhh, I 'spose I'd better start making the Tea," when my new mate Andy phoned us up & asked us around to theirs for a takeaway Tea....and a visit to the swimming batha after! What Fun! We took KFC for our Tea, and had a nice munch...then most of us popped off for a was part fun/part hard work, as we had to watch the Twins in our old Council Pool! A new Pool is on the drawing board, but in the meantime this one has to do (it's a bit deep for 3-year-olds; we have to hold them in our arms) - later, we had a little time at Andy's place, before Margaret took the kids home, and I stayed to watch a DVD.....

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Friday Afternoon

I picked up my son from School on Friday arvo; he said, "Dad, can we go to the Shearers' Quarters?" I considered briefly, then said...."All right!" We set off in the trusty Nissan Serena, and were there in about 11 mins. The Shearers' Quarters is a Cafe/Gift Shop out in the country; it's located in an old Shearing Shed. It's become a haven for "ladies who lunch," tourists, and others! It's been expanded in the last year or so, with fountains & Mini Golf added. The Twins enjoyed the childrens' playground, as well as the playroom.

Julz, do you mean you've not heard of hundreds-and-thousands?....or Fairy Bread?

Friday, March 09, 2007

Friday Morning

This morning, I went swimming, & enjoyed the warm chlorinated waters of the old Century Pool... my creaky bones were telling me I'm in need of some excercise!! Second time this week, so I must be enjoying myself!

To answer your question Julz, Fairy Bread is a hundreds-and-thousands sandwich... kids love 'em! :)

Thursday, March 08, 2007

At the sign of the Purple Lizard

After School & Kindergarten today, I asked my kids, "Wanna go to the Purple Lizard?" "YES!" Jamie answered joyfully. I drove into the centre of town, and we walked hand-in-hand to The Purple Lizard. This is a smart Cafe that has a special offer for parents with children at Kindergarten; they get their second coffee for free, and their children get free Fairy Bread. Today was the second time we'd gone there, and the proprietor cheerfully greeted me by name... I asked, "Have any mothers taken you up on your offer?" "No, you're the only one!" she sighed. (I guess I do the job of a Mother... ;) ) She's mystified as to why no other parents in Timaru have come in for their free 2nd coffee & Fairy Bread - I think it's 'cos Timaruvians are a conservative lot.... meanwhile, I sipped my Latte, and my 3 devoured the Fairy Bread & enjoyed playing with the Cafe's toys! There were Lizards to be seen all over the place - on the walls; the game boards; the door handles - in fact, Jamie even made a Lizard out of a load of purple & black stones! I was proud of him. They did enjoy themselves! It was very nice.....

Tonight, I was an old snappy grump, I went upstairs & practiced my song, Mister Cellophane. It ccould well be ready for the auditions on Sunday - they go for 6 hours; the guys are at 4pm, during the last hour.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Well, tonight was my 2nd & final pre-audition workshop for Chicago; it went pretty well... I learned more about it; what Miss Director wants; and how to move while singing the audition songs. There were some different people there tonight...though only one different guy, a man - even older than I! We'll see how I get on.....I've been watching the DVD; it's great. I LOVE the M-C; he's so cool.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Oddball Day...

Funny day today.....I got up at the usual time for a Monday; then followed Margaret to town, after Jamie was dropped off at school...Margaret's car went in for a new windscreen...then, I came home to rest.....a new Dr.Who CD arrived today, one I'd been waiting for, for 8 weeks or so - I didn't listen to it, though - for one thing, there were others I had to finish first...& besides, I just can't listen to Dr.Who when I'm not feeling well.....much later, when I'd been considering going to tonight's pre-audition, Margaret found a post-illness rash on me bod! it's a good thing I didn't go to the workshop.....I look forward enormously, to the one on Wednesday.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

WHAT a 24 Hours I've had! ::)

Last night, I had the worst bout of vomitting & diarrhoea I've ever had (often at the same time... thank goodness for ice-cream containers!!). I was up in the night at least 10 or so times; each time, I felt more & more exhausted. Feeling a bit better now, but still feel yucky. Hoping for a much better day tomorrow...

Friday, March 02, 2007


Took the Twins to Playcentre this morning; I felt a bit blahhhh, so didn't really feel "into" it... went anyway, as there's only 4 more months of Playcentre, then that's it, no more. Forever. I'll miss it, even though I feel happier when Margaret is there, too. For those that don't know; Playcentre is different to Kindergarten in that it's otally run by Parents. Kindergarten - or Kindy, as it's known - is kind of a glorified Daycare, where parents are often involved in fundraising & help a little with the running of the place....but Playcentre is very different; parents stay with their kids, supervising them, being involved in their play activities, and there are trips away, too.