Sunday, April 30, 2006
Tonight, at rehearsal, the Director - Annette - lamented the fact that one of the essential cast members had dropped out...I got on my cellphone a few mins later, and rang a coupla numbers...the second friend I rang said "Yes, I'm interested!" (in acting, that is(!). So, I passed her on to Annette, and hey presto - Nev finds the Director a new cast member! I was well pleased! She'll start rehearsing on Tues. night. :D)
Quiet Day
A rather quiet day today; we all went to a combined service - 3 churches together - this morning...had a sleep & a listen to "The Dalek Conquests" after lunch, and before tea, I popped upstairs to get away from the madness, & listened to a Frost DVD; trying to get a handle on David Jason's Inspector Frost accent. Tonight's rehearsal should provide some laughs...
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Bye-bye, High Chairs...
Today, the Twins used the High Chairs for the last time...funny thing is, I think Jamie will miss them more than Zoe and Ben! ::) Change happens rather suddenly in this house; but it's good - Margaret has her own Lay-Z-Boy chair now...but what shall I buy her for her 40th birthday now?!
We've started buying things for our Dalek Project; a few days ago we bought a sink plunger for the sucker arm...and today we travelled to a car wreckers' out in the country, to buy two Mini indicator lenses! Apparently, Daleks in the 60s/70s were built with Mini front indicator lights on their domes! I'd like our Dalek to be reasonably authentic...!
We've started buying things for our Dalek Project; a few days ago we bought a sink plunger for the sucker arm...and today we travelled to a car wreckers' out in the country, to buy two Mini indicator lenses! Apparently, Daleks in the 60s/70s were built with Mini front indicator lights on their domes! I'd like our Dalek to be reasonably authentic...!
Another GREAT DAY to be a Doctor Who fan...!
More items arrived this wonderful, magical morn; THREE of Elisabeth "Sarah Jane" Sladen (guest starring in the new series), Sarah "Nyssa" Sutton, Patrick "2nd Doctor" Troughton, & William "1st Doctor" Hartnell!!! Now, we'll be looking out for a sale on frames, as I used up my only empty photo frame on that unusual pic of Pertwee larking about with that Yeti...OH! Must mention; I got TWO prints of Tardis Door Signs; the 2nd one was a freebie! ANNNNND... two CDs arrived, The Tomb of the Cybermen; and The Dalek Conquests. What a great day!
Friday, April 28, 2006
Jon Pertwee photo...!
This morning, the first of my eBay purchases arrived...I thought, "That was quick!" It's a photo of Jon Pertwee, in Dr.Who costume, in the arms of a Yeti! It'll make an interesting addition to the Collection. Also, the latest DWM (Dr Who Magazine) arrived too, making it a great day to be a Fan! :D)
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Shaking my Booty
Today's highlight was learning some new dance steps at Rehearsal; for the first song of my new Show....looks like I'll be a bit more involved than I had thought! I even end up jumping upstairs backwards, which does my confidence a lot of good.... :)
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
A Blur
Well, today went by in a I recall it, anyway...though when I think about it, looking back, it was pretty normal. I took my Twins to Daycare, took back 3 kids rented DVDs, picked up a McD's breakfast, and went home to watch Green Wing...saw the end of Series 1; very funny! I saw my friend Stefan early this evening; it was nice to see him.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Yesterday, I got something in the mail I'd ordered 6 months ago - a gold R/C Dalek model! I couldn't believe it, it's FINALLY here! I jumped up & down for joy!
Monday, April 24, 2006
This morning, I got up early to watch some Dr.Who in peace...took my customary look out the front door, to see if my new series R/C Dalek had arrived...and...YESSSSS! It's HERE!!!!! I was SO thrilled! So now I've got TWO radio controlled Dalek models! Plus, my 3 copies of the new Dr.Who comic arrived, too! Wheeeee!
Sunday, April 23, 2006
"Stop the Insanity!", cried Mrs.Nev...
The other day, I "discovered" guessed it, I went bananas when I found out how many 1000's of Dr.Who items there are to bid, Mrs.Nev uttered the above words...there are now 10 items coming in the mail for me, & I only registered last Thursday! I've been asked to "SLOW DOWN!" for a while.....!
...meanwhile, down at The Mill, we had another Rehearsal tonight; & I met some more cast members, a lively & talented bunch! The play is coming along nicely, & the songs are getting woven into the story...I have to perfect my 1st Man (dodgy criminal) voice...
...meanwhile, down at The Mill, we had another Rehearsal tonight; & I met some more cast members, a lively & talented bunch! The play is coming along nicely, & the songs are getting woven into the story...I have to perfect my 1st Man (dodgy criminal) voice...
Saturday, April 22, 2006
New friends
Today, we had some new friends round to lunch; the people we met at McDonalds last weekend. I prepared a Mexican meal for them, of soft Chicken Tacos; we had a good time, though I decided to show them just half of my Doctor Who Collection, as I didn't want to overwhelm them. The father of the family looks like my kind of guy...he arrived waering a Dalek t-shirt, and holding a Dalek Annual! :) :) Cool! *** Tonight, we're taking Jamie to a musical show in town; it should be great!
Well, yesterday was the end of Kiwisport for Jamie, for these holidays anyway; he's really enjoyed the varied activities he took part in. I got back from taking Jamie to Kiwisport and realized.."Ooh! Furniture....!" Margaret had asked me to get some furniture from the (enormous) local second-hand shop...I hadn't unpacked the Twins, so I climbed back in the people-mover & nipped off down the road...after a good look 'round in the shop, I found the lounge suite Margaret wanted, amongst the 14 or so they had there - it was a LAY-Z-BOY SUITE! YAY!!! It nicely matches my lovely Lay-Z-Boy chair that Margaret got me for my 40th birthday; it's in really good condition, and get this...the whole suite cost less than half the price, of a brand new Lay-Z-Boy! Margaret has a good eye for a bargain!
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Funny Old Day
Got up a bit bleary-eyed this morning; felt the pressure as I took Twins to Daycare, Jamie to Kiwisport, car to Garage (all scheduled for 9:30am), - only to be told "You're a day late!" at the garage...I'm SURE I told them Thursday! They said, "We could do it [oil & filter] today, but we don't have a car to lend you." Says I, "Next week, then." "What day?" "Thursday," I sighed, "Thursday with a T!" ::)...
...hired several DVDs this arvo, which kept the kids happy...cooked tea, & went for a Swim after the meal...rather disappointed that the show rehearsal was cancelled; I look forward to Sunday's one...
...hired several DVDs this arvo, which kept the kids happy...cooked tea, & went for a Swim after the meal...rather disappointed that the show rehearsal was cancelled; I look forward to Sunday's one...
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
In the Swim....
This morning, I woke up, needing to answer the call of Nature...& I suddenly thought, "I shan't go back to bed; I'll go for a Swim..." - I find swimming really sets the day up nicely...when I got home, I had breakfast, then after a short time I took our Twins to Daycare, & took Jamie to KiwiSport. Came home, watched more Inspector Frost; and began watching Genesis of the Daleks with the commentary. Around 4:30, I went & visited my friend TV; we saw more Dr.Who. After coming home, & a very quick Tea, I took Jamie swimming...he's improved quite a lot since last time! It's a long time since I went swimming twice in one day...
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Doctor Who board game Pt.3
Tonight, it was just Jamie & I playing; again it was cool fun - I am SO glad I bought this game!!! :oD ...the Time Portals were a lot more active tonight, and both our Home Planets were invaded by the Daleks...& at some stage or other, both of us lost all our Tardis Repair cards! Jamie joked around a lot, about "farting Daleks" and Daleks "eating cheese & soup." Neat! the background, we could hear the excellent tunes from the album, Who Is Doctor Who?
New DVD :) :) :) ...etc!
A new DVD arrived this morning, from Northern Ireland... The Genesis of the Daleks!! With a commentary from Tom Baker, Elisabeth Sladen (Sarah Jane) & others, it'll be a fan's feast! Also, several Dalek-oriented docos are included on a bonus disc! Zoe was thrilled to see lots of the tin-plated pepperpots, exclaiming "DALEKS!" whenever they appeared on the screen!
This evening was my first Rehearsal for Opportunity Knocks, & we had fun singing some of the songs written/re-written for the show!
This evening was my first Rehearsal for Opportunity Knocks, & we had fun singing some of the songs written/re-written for the show!
Monday, April 17, 2006
Dr.Who Board Game Pt.2
Well, I'm pleased...the Dr.Who board game is a Hit; Jamie wanted to play it again tonight! This time, he won! The background tunes were provided from my CD, Music From The Tomb Of The Cybermen :)
Easter Monday....Time for Treats!
Such a good Easter! This morning, we went out to our nearby historic railway for a ride on the old Steam Train; all the children enjoyed themselves...we rode in a 1st Class compartment on the way out, and in a horse wagon on the way back...LOL! After lunch, (& some chocolate sent from our relations in England) I took Jamie to the cinema; we saw Ice Age 2. All in all, a fabulous Easter...though I've still got a slightly sore forehead, from where I nutted that Hollow Egg last night ;)
Sunday, April 16, 2006
The Lure of The Collection
Last night, we all had Tea at McDonald's, courtesy of a kind gift sent by my brother & his wife. Towards the end of our meal, I noticed the large table behind us had been vacated, so I could spread out & read my magazine...then, I realized that the family of four at the other end of the room could use my table, so I offered it to them. They're a British family; he's from Scotland, & she's from Leicester. Soon we were talking & laughing; & we discovered we had a lot in common...we have a son the same age as one of theirs...the man & I are both interested in WWII tanks & history, and...DOCTOR WHO!! I told them about The Collection, and invited them to come for a meal; they'll be here next Saturday!
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Dr.Who Interactive Electronic Board Game
Tonight, my wife, my oldest child & I played the above-named Game for the first time together; it's Cool! It is certainly different to any other game I've features the 9th Doctor as played by Chris Eccleston; Gold Daleks from the 2005 season; and many neat playing perils! It's a bit involved to describe in detail here, but it was FUN...when we began, I was feeling a bit down in the dumps...but as my luck improved, and I started winning, I felt better & better! *** As background music, we had the soundtrack from the Sylvester McCoy story, The Greatest Show in the Galaxy.
Our Cat ::)
Our beloved Cat, "Pantherpuss," has been in our family for 12 years now, and is (almost) like one of our own children...we even sent him a postcard once, while on holiday on the Mainland (we lived on North Island at the time). Now, I love this cat, but he's been getting a bit clingy lately...not to mention getting a BAD case of dandruff, as well as a few fleas (treated now)...but my point (And I Do Have One), is: he's taken to lying - and even SNOOZING - on the top of the PC Monitor! I'm a bit worried the family computer will overheat...but more that our lovely old Panther is getting a bit (taps side of head) ;) ;)...oh, and his tail gets in the way of the screen, too..... ::)
Friday, April 14, 2006
Good Friday
This morning, we all trooped off to Church, for the first time as a family, on Good Friday; ours were the only small children there...might be easier next year!! Zoe & Jamie were quite good, but our youngest, Ben, was a handful...the Minister had said to "Watch your kiddies," and I could see why - a LARGE Cross had been marked out on the floor, delineated by string, push-pins, and tea-lights. The Reverend told Jamie he could blow the candles out, after the service, which he did with great delight! :) In the mid-afternoon, we went to the Scenic Reserve to feed the ducks, and walk in the sunshine. I took Margaret's car, so I could carry on to visit my friend, TV. I showed him episodes 8 & 9 of "The Trial of a Timelord," a very long Dr.Who tale.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
H'mmm...I'm starting to wonder if this Blog-lark is worth the trouble... wrote a funny, true post the other day, a friend said she'd posted a comment; but it never appeared...What's That About?? ***, the Twins had Daycare this morning, so I toddled off round to Tabitha's for Coffee...bought her & hers, some tiny little Easter Eggs...her baby, Seth, was looking cute & happy...& I bought the "right" brand of Milk this time ::)
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Oh, no! Another Car-tastrophe! ...some of you may remember, a thread I wrote about Car Problems/Disasters I've had; well, time to add another 1... Yesterday, I took the Twins to Chipmunks, which was good - yummy Nachos for Nev, along with deliciousimo Hazelnut-flavoured Cappucino; & the kids, enjoyed themselves, too ;) ...on the way home, I decided the family vehicle needed a wash...the girl behind the counter started going on about "It might not like your car; we can't guarantee it'll be alright," etc - I piped up, "Well if it goes wrong, it's all down to me.." I was confident, as I'd managed to get my People Mover thru the machine B4. BUT, yes, you guessed it - the car got STUCK! The girl came out with my $11 (executive wash) refund; I was lucky to get that...she WRENCHED the machine off my offending rear mirror, with a resounding THUNK! (I nipped out top check for damage)...I folded my front mirrors out again, & drove out, with the Twins looking bemused, & the car covered in soap suds....(insert embarrassed smiley)
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
This morning, I took my Twins to Chipmunks; this is an indoor adventure playground, with a very good cafe...I had a late breakfast there, while watching my two play...& read an article about "The New Zealand Class System," which made fascinating reading!
Ben had great fun, "driving" a Digger that was well-built, & very nice, for a kids' ride...but at $2 a pop, wasn't exactly cheap ::)
Ben had great fun, "driving" a Digger that was well-built, & very nice, for a kids' ride...but at $2 a pop, wasn't exactly cheap ::)
Monday, April 10, 2006
Good Weekend
Hi folks, what a nice weekend! We went up to Christchurch city to visit my in-laws; they gave us a warm welcome...we gave my father-in-law his birthday present (a week late..oops!) and visited old friends, who moved up there for work. We drove back to Timaru in time for me to attend the first meeting for the new Play I'm in, since it was cast...and I've got 3 parts! I'm Thrilled!
Friday, April 07, 2006
Tonight, I had Confirmation (Hup, Hup, HUZZAH!) ...that I'm gonna move my groove-thing on the Stage again! (breaks off for celebratory boogie...) - a few staff at my local Pharmacy joked, "When are we going to see you on the stage again, Mr.Walker? ;)" Well, here's two big Edam-flavoured fingers to them! I'm gonna tread those boards again! YIPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
Restless Slumber
Phew! What a Night! Dreams that included a screaming Dalek, a headache threatening to grow a cauliflower between my ears, and a funny story from Mrs.Doc...
...y'see, in the middle of the night, she was woken by a child climbing in beside her - she thinks, "It's Zoe - I'll pop her back in her bed." Goes to Zoe's bed, puts child in - realizes too late there's already a kid there! Puts little 'un in Ben's bed - yup, you guessed it; there's a kid there, too ... it was Jamie! :) Pops Jamie (still asleep) back in his own bed; spends some time getting Twins back to sleep...poor Margaret!
...y'see, in the middle of the night, she was woken by a child climbing in beside her - she thinks, "It's Zoe - I'll pop her back in her bed." Goes to Zoe's bed, puts child in - realizes too late there's already a kid there! Puts little 'un in Ben's bed - yup, you guessed it; there's a kid there, too ... it was Jamie! :) Pops Jamie (still asleep) back in his own bed; spends some time getting Twins back to sleep...poor Margaret!
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Time Flies....
Goodness! I can't believe I've not posted on here since Monday... well, yesterday I saw my friend, TV, for the first time in 6 weeks; we talked & watched Dr.Who on video. It was good to see him. Tonight I'm going swimming after tea; it'll be the 3rd time this week, so I'm starting to get a bit fitter...the Twins are getting used to their new Beds...well, slowly...!
Monday, April 03, 2006
Pictures from the Circus

Hi folks, these four ladies - 1 incredible with hula-hoops, & three so amazingly supple and flexible, I was just sitting there catching flies - were the most impressive acts at the Weber Bros Circus! With regards to Hula Lady, her husband carried her out...and then a pole was popped onto his head, that she proceeded to climb! VERY impressed, I was! Jamie was more impressed with the Clowns, nut never mind; he enjoyed himself!
F1 At Last!!
Today, I finally saw a Grand Prix today; a mate taped the Aussie F1 GP off SKY television for me; I made sure not to listen to the Sports News before watching it!!! I've now seen the new liveries for McLaren and Toro Rosso, which are surprisingly similar. It was an accident-packed race. It was disappointing that Williams scored zero points, but BMW srored some, so that was something. *** Tonight I cooked Beef Mince Fajitas for tea, which we all enjoyed. Yum!
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Songs of Praise!
Tonight, for the very first time, I sang up front with the Church Music Group; I had a red microphone all to myself, and it went really well :) They've asked me back for a regular gig, on the second Sunday night of the month. Yippee!
There's No Business Like...!
A roller coaster of emotions today, as I auditioned for TWO shows today! I didn't get into the big musical chorus, but I DID get a part in the Theatre Restaurant production! It'll be good experience for me. The jokes are a bit cheesy, but that's to be expected ;) I am SO looking forward to it!!!!!!
Saturday, April 01, 2006
WONDERFUL! MANIFIQUE! EXCELLENT! The Circus was all that, and MORE! The Mongolian Contortionists were stupendous; the Rugby-playing Dogs were marvellous; the woman who could spin many hula-hoops at once was extraordinary...the monster looked like a very ugly Shrek!!!! Pics from the program in a couple of days. :)
A Great Day!
This morning, we went to the Countdown supermarket, as well as visiting The Mad Butcher to buy extra milk for the weekend. The GREAT thing about today, is...I'm taking Jamie to the CIRCUS tonight!!! YIPPEE!!!! I haven't been to see a Circus since I was his age, so I'm really looking forward to it! :) :) :)