Our Cat ::)
Our beloved Cat, "Pantherpuss," has been in our family for 12 years now, and is (almost) like one of our own children...we even sent him a postcard once, while on holiday on the Mainland (we lived on North Island at the time). Now, I love this cat, but he's been getting a bit clingy lately...not to mention getting a BAD case of dandruff, as well as a few fleas (treated now)...but my point (And I Do Have One), is: he's taken to lying - and even SNOOZING - on the top of the PC Monitor! I'm a bit worried the family computer will overheat...but more that our lovely old Panther is getting a bit (taps side of head) ;) ;)...oh, and his tail gets in the way of the screen, too..... ::)
Em..yep Doc..i don't suppose it is good for Pantherpuss to be lying over top of your monitor..isn't there something you can put up there that he wouldn't like..like a little pepper or something..i know some animals don't like the smell of pepper..mind you i don't have a clue about animals..but there must be something..
Thanks for the tip, Freddie...Mrs.Doc reckons he's too old to be worried about any ill effects, but I'll haul him off the 'puter anyway ;)
You'll be okay, as long as he doesn't start to dribble (from either end!)...
Otherwise, a new monitor might be called for...
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