Thursday, May 31, 2007

And Odd Day...

I think my current medication is making me forgetful...oh well! It might be "all change" in a few weeks.

This morning, I paid for my new book I bought on an online auction (not eBay). It's Jon Pertwee's autobiography, "Moon Boots & Dinner Suits." rather pleased to get it, as it's Pertwee's life in his own words.

I went to the cinema tonight, & saw Notes On A was good, though rather sad. I could see how that sort of thing can happen, but still I just wanted to say, "Don't go there! Don't be foolish...THINK about what you're doing!!" But, I get the feeling that folk wouldn't listen...when people are driven by passion, they only hear what they want to.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Another Happy Wednesday

A busy, mainly happy Wednesday; got some things done...took Gingerbread Daleks to Playcentre; surprisingly, they were more popular at Play Group - anyone want to know the difference, just ask.....

Bought tickets for CHICAGO; I'll finally get to take my wife to it, it'll be our Anniversary celebration. I'll be helping to paint the set, so I'll get an idea what to expect! Bought LOTR mag for Jamie...will hand it over once he's paid for it (it wasn't cheap). It will give him a taste of working towards a Goal.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Still Alive (just!)

Hello, Folks! Can't believe it's been so long since the last post... Just had a big argument with the wife; that's life I guess......anyone out there have fights with their spouse, especially at tea-time?! 'Cos I do..............

This morning, I took our twins to Playgroup; we'll only have a couple of months more there, after being there 6 years.....I'll miss it.

Still spending too much time on MySpace...might have to reduce my hours on there soon (if only I got paid for that!!).
